Thursday, December 09, 2004

Strange Bumperfellows 2

Three stickers on the back of an SUV spotted on Douglas Road here in Chappaqua:

(1) A small, quite old and faded US flag.
(2) A slightly faded red-white-and-blue sticker with the motto, "United We Stand."
(3) A brand new black-and-white sticker reading, "Support Our Troops--Bring Them Home!"

Maybe I'm wrong to see any ideological conflict here. God knows I would be the first to point out that national unity does not require support for the invasion of Iraq. But I suspect that what we are witnessing here is one driver's gradual evolution from pro-Bush hawk to reluctant peacenik.

I'll keep my eyes peeled and report back the minute a fourth bumper sticker sprouts on the same vehicle. Before the war is over, she (the driver was a woman) may end up to the left of Michael Moore.
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