Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Time to Run Away and Join the Carnival

Is there something in the air? For whatever reason, the crop of submissions for Carnival of the Liberals #41 was especially strong. We're proud to be hosting such a fine collection of leftist propaganda here at World Wide Webers. Here are this edition's ten winners:

First, a very impressive three-part series by Terrance Heath over at The Republic of T. Click here for Part 1, here for Part 2, and here for Part 3. Titled "The Myth of a Bush Recovery," it examines the psychology of our president through the lens of AA and the truths about addiction--then goes a step further by comparing the Bush psyche with that of the country that (sorta) elected him twice. Tremendous work by Mr. T.

Next, a very thoughtful piece by David at Frozen Toothpaste titled
"Misguided Reform: The Problem of the Guest Worker"
. I've been struggling to decide where I stand about the immigration debate, and David's perspective will play a big part in my future thinking about the issue. After reading him, I realize that the move to create a new class of "guest workers" is not unlike the administration's effort to create a new class of prisoners called "enemy combatants"--a ploy to strip people of their rights by putting them in a new, needless category that is exempt from historic protections.

Our third selection is an essay on the problems with ethanol by Vihar Sheth of Green Rising. It's titled "Six of One, Half Dozen of Another" and it does a fine job of challenging the conventional wisdom surrounding this supposedly eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels.

For a change of pace, turn to "Cui Bonehead?" by math teacher Zeno at Halfway There. It's a witty evisceration of some of the latest inanities to come from conservative columnist Kathleen Parker. My first thought was that debunking Parker is almost too easy--I've done it myself!--but Zeno gets extra style points for flair, and his piece makes fun reading.

Next, check out "No Sex Please, We're Democrats". It takes down the recent "compromise" bill funding abstinence-only sex ed, and it comes from the keyboard of Greta Christina, who earns credit for being willing to say, "I had sex when I was sixteen, and it didn't do me any harm." (Same here, Greta.) Greta's work appears at The Blowfish Blog.

Over at The Greenbelt, blogger The Ridger exposes the futility of voting for "moderate Republicans" in "The Party Above All Else". Her illustrative case: The defeated motion to censure A.G. Alberto Gonzalez. Well done, Ridger!

After reading David Brooks bloviate about genetic influences on stature (among other things), it was a pleasure to turn to "Height and Immigration", an essay on the topic by someone who actually knows what he is talking about--Joshua Rosenau, a graduate student in evolutionary biology whose writing appears in Thoughts from Kansas. Read and learn a little about the subtle interplay among genetic and other factors (and check out the comments which are also well worth reading).

We've all seen the hoary myth about how Al Gore exaggerated his role in creating the Internet exposed. Here's something a little different: a detailed explanation of the important steps Gore actually took to help create the Internet. It's by Devindra Hardawar at The Far Side of Technology, and it's titled "Why We Owe Al Gore for the Internet". (Maybe Devindra can investigate how Al Gore really appeared in the novel Love Story for a future diary . . .)

"Steeplejacking" is the intriguing title of a diary by Coturnix on A Blog Around the Clock. It's Coturnix's review of the recent forum on faith featuring the leading Democratic presidential contenders. Among other interesting observations, Coturnix praises Obama's ambiguity about religion. Read the whole post to find out why.

Finally, for the economic policy wonks in the audience: Take a look at "How Australia Loses $1 Trillion a Year" a book review by Gavin R. Putland at /etc/cron.whenever/. It deals with a slightly arcane but fascinating and important topic--the impact of real estate values (especially in bubble mode) on the broader economy. Sounds like a Henry George deal to me, but what do I know? Those of you who studied how it all works will know better what to make of it all.


And so there you have it--Carnival of the Liberals #41. Put on your ape face and meet me at Zaius Nation for the Fourth of July Carnival in two weeks' time. Meanwhile, keep cool, drink plenty of fluids, and say a prayer for Carlos Delgado.

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